Thursday, June 9, 2011

Clenbuterol Information | Does Diet Drug "Clenbuterol" Really Work? |

Clenbuterol Diet

Have you heard about the new Hollywood diet and bodybuilder's little helper? Clenbuterol, a medication drug in the category of anabolic steroids, is the latest dieting trend in Hollywood. It is amazing how far some of us (especially celebrities and movie stars) will go in order to lose weight and appear thinner. The individuals who are using this hazardous diet pharmaceutical drug which his only approved in the USA for animal use (horses with respiratory issues) risk serious health injury as the numerous scientific sources suggest the harmful side effects of the drug on humans. Yet, Clenbuterol has been used by athletes, sportsman, professional bodybuilders (and other fitness amateurs bodybuilding individuals), fitness enthusiasts,
The FDA is concerned that the illicit use of the medication might lead to significant health side effects or serous illness or even death in individuals that are consuming the drug. The FDA claims that it is possible that even a small Clenbuterol dose might cause a strong effect on the cardio vascular system and that in fact it might be more risk for people who inhale it if compared with the case when the drug is ingested in food.
When pressed about their slimming secrets, celebrities often rave about their "good genes," their affection for junk food, or just declare that their secret to staying thin is running around after their children. But here's what you should know: A lot of them are lying.
Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, who has trained Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz, says: "I had one actress training with me four times a week in addition to daily exercise-bike classes."
When asked how she'd "transformed" her body, her reply was, " 'Oh, I do yoga and hike with my dog,' " he said. "It makes me laugh," said Peterson. So the next time you see a pin-thin celebrity brag about her relaxed approach to eating, remember this:

When Lindsay Lohan was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving, police said they found cocaine in her pocket. Paris Hilton recently admitted to talk host Larry King that she takes Adderall for attention-deficit disorder. Both drugs are often used by women looking to lose weight. Hollywood's party girls always seem to have access to certain drugs known to help shed pounds.
They Only Eat Boiled Eggs
During the filming of "Cold Mountain," there were rumors that one famous actress on set ate only boiled eggs. She would rise in the morning and eat one and then have one or two at the end of the day.
That was her entire diet. And apparently she is not alone.
Celebrity trainer David Kirsch says, "I had a client who was getting ready for the Oscars and all she ate was one meal a day - of two boiled eggs! I was able to persuade her to add some almonds and a protein shake and some vitamin supplements.
"It's a self-defeating strategy," says Kirsch. "You need to eat enough, particularly protein, to build lean and toned muscle in the first place."
They Fast
Paris Hilton caused a stir when she walked into New York restaurant Nobu recently. When a waiter asked the heiress for her order, he was quietly told: "Mineral water." In fact, over the course of her two-hour "meal," Paris took sips of water and Red Bull - she didn't eat a single bite.

And she's not alone. Superslim "Desperate Housewives" star Marcia Cross was spotted dining at a restaurant a few years back with her current husband, Tom Mahoney.
According to one eyewitness, "he ordered sea bass and prawns, but she just sipped fruit juice." Cross recently acknowledged the pressure to be thin: "Not eating is a constant struggle. It's like they pay me not to eat. It's a living hell."
Another tactic is the "master cleanse," also called the "lemonade diet": water mixed with maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper.
Beyoncé admitted following this regimen for two weeks to drop 20 pounds for the film "Dreamgirls." Jared Leto used it to shed about 30 pounds he gained to play Mark Chapman in the new film "Chapter 27."
Gunnar Peterson calls this the "You're an idiot" diet.
"I had a client who did it and I thought he was ill," says Peterson.
"His skin was gray and his eyes had terrible dark circles under them. He was shuffling when he walked, and this was after only 10 days!"
Another of Hollywood's dirty little secrets is the "IV diet," in which celebrities check in to the hospital to get put on an IV so they can avoid eating altogether.
Peterson calls this strategy "beyond ridiculous. If you're doing this, you're not fat. You're crazy!"
Suzanne Peck, director of programs at Homefield Grange Retreat, a spa in the U.K. that relies on juice fasting, says, "Fasting is designed to rest the digestion, allowing clarity of thought, cleansing of toxins and healing of the body in general. It's not to fit into a size-zero dress."
They Abuse Laxative Teas
Britney Spears has never been shy about her love for junk food. She engages in all kinds of behavior to counter a taste for Taco Bell.
She smokes, drinks coffee and Red Bull, has diet pills in her bag and takes Adderall.
She also has been seen hitting all-night drugstores, shopping for laxatives.
And she is certainly not alone. Today, many actresses take laxatives in the form of "dieter's tea," which has a mild laxative effect. Some starlets drink up to 10 cups a day.
Trainer Gelband says: "The latest trend among models is mixing laxative tea with the Master Cleanse diet. All they drink is Master Cleanse and laxative tea."
They Chain-Smoke
"Grey's Anatomy" star Katherine Heigl looks to have lost 10-15 pounds in the last year. She may be following a healthy eating plan, but she appears to have a secret weapon - she smokes constantly.
A few days ago, the beautiful blond was spotted having lunch in Los Angeles. She ordered a salad and spent the meal chain-smoking.
Heigl is rarely photographed without a cigarette in her mouth, and when not smoking, she has a pack at the ready.

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