Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lee Kuan Yew* (Founder Of Singapore, World S Largest Ferris Wheel, Founder Singapore, Singapore Founder, Largest Ferris Wheel)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Any Singapore observer would agree, despite all the embellishments in the state controlled press to make it look pretty, the island today is not only in a very bad shape, it is on a tailspin of decline with any recovery impossible.

For a crowded island of about 3 million native born and another 2 million principally Mandarin speaking Chinese from their Communist country, you already have massive brain drain of locals of as many as 1,000 per year. The rate of marriage has dropped below what it was even in 2009 and is the lowest, the birth rate is even lower than what it was in 2005 and declining further and suicides are at the highest. Foreign permanent residents have angered the Minister Mentor because they refuse to have families in Singapore, and has threatened to revoke their permanent residencies.

You don't need to have a PhD to know the reasons for a seemingly successful nation state to suffer from these happenings. It is because Lee Kuan Yew has failed to understand you cannot make a nation out of minions and secondly, you cannot do it through fear either.

By his own admission Lee has told us that if he was not feared he is nothing. In other words he needs you to be afraid and submit to him. Fear never produced the best results from anyone. Teachers who are afraid never taught well, lawyers who were afraid never were good lawyers and the same with every other occupation. You never got the best through fear, not in Singapore nor in Nazi Germany either.

Second minions as he is surrounded with never made good leaders. Teo Chee Hean, his deputy, is not primarily working for the best of the nation. He is working first to protect his patronage from his master Lee Kuan Yew for the millions he receives and only second does he care for anyone else. It is the same with all the other bootlickers, K Shanmugam his Minister of for Law, Vivian Balakrishnan, who is responsible for the flooding in the island state and the same with his other disgraceful characters.

On the other hand Chee Soon Juan, the opposition politician who has been jailed and bankrupted by Lee Kuan Yew fights for his people. For him demonstrably Singaporeans come first and not his pocket. What Lee needs are men like Chee Soon Juan, true sons of Singapore who will do good for Singpaore, not these butt kissers and bootlickers that Lee Kuan Yew has with him.

Is it too late for Lee Kuan Yew to reverse the damage? Yes it is too late. Civic responsibility is not something you can turn on and off as you please. Singaporeans today are tired of his policies, 52 years of it, that they have switched off completely. Today even if he tried, he is not going to get them out of their indifference and apathy. Remember the 2 child policy of the past. It was wrong. And today regardless of how much he tries there are no children.

Lee Kuan Yew is like a VFR pilot who has flown into the clouds when he should not. Now he is flying blind, lost his bearings and the visibility is getting worse. Either he is going to run into a hillside and crash or he is going to run out of fuel. Either way, it is the end for him and Singapore.

Gopalan Nair
Attorney at Law
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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