Friday, July 8, 2011

夏馨雨 Xia Xin Yu & 李美熙 Miki Lee secret lovers of Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋 | Xia Xin Yu

夏馨雨 Xia Xin Yu & 李美熙 Miki Lee secret lovers of Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋 | Xia Xin Yu

This 2 girls below are currently getting loads of attention from various Chinese news site from China in the entertainment section. They are both 21 years old and they’re from Beijing, China. The biggest common point they have is they are currently linked to Hong Kong artist Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋 who’s having family issues at the moment.

Both of them publicly announced that they admire Nicholas Tse and at the same time showed hint that they are close to him at a certain level.

While major media in Hong Kong are creating headlines of the Tse family fighting with the Cheung family in the marriage issue between Nicholas Tse & Cecilia Cheung, netizens from China were crazily discussing about the girls from Beijing, both Xia Xin Yu 夏馨雨 & Miki Lee 李美熙. Topics were created in forums as well as in China’s few top social networking sites where pictures of the girls were shared.

Wait. That isn’t the best. YET.

The best thing is they have “balls”.

Xia Xin Yu 夏馨雨 from Beijing was reported (End of June 2011) being the secret lover of Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋 and her latest status update on Sina Weibo says : “I want to be your first love, I want to be your favorite one, I want yours – the one & only. I want to be in your heart. I want to occupy every corner of your heart, then tell everyone that you belong to me, i said it!!!”


Miki Lee 李美熙 who was linked (Early July 2011) said this on Sina Weibo : “@小妖我2011 : Who the heck is she, just fooling around with photos of her working with Ah Feng(Nicholas Tse 谢霆锋), shameless, i have loads of pictures with him too, want me to show you all?”

回复 @小妖我2011:她算哪根葱,一张阿锋工作照合影出来瞎扯,也真不要脸,想看合照我很多,要放上来给你看看吗? //@小妖我2011:李美美,你小心点夏馨雨就好了,别的嘛也不说了 //@李美熙miki:回复 @7号淘衣坊:再淡定的人也会被你气爆,再污蔑阿锋绝不饶你

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