Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Body Language Expert On Cindy, Casey Anthony | Body Language Expert Casey Anthony

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An emotional day of testimony from Cindy Anthony ended with her walking from the stand stone-faced and without a single glance at her daughter, Casey Anthony.

Cindy cried as she talked about her 2-year-old granddaughter for hours on Saturday, but it's what she did not do that speaks volumes. Not once did Cindy Anthony look at her daughter during her testimony or while walking to and from the stand.

Casey Anthony stands trial for the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. In the past, Cindy has been seen waving at Casey or the two exchanging smiles. Not on Saturday.

As Cindy walked to the stand, she kept her head down the entire time and did not give one glance at her daughter. While on the stand, rarely if ever was Cindy seen glancing at Casey. And when Cindy walked off the stand, she again looked down and was seen avoiding eye contact with her daughter.

What's behind these emotions? For an answer, Local 6 turned to body language expert Susan Constantine.

"She comes off the stand and there's not connection. She doesn't even look at the defense table," said Constantine.

As Constantine is shown video of Casey's reaction to her mother, she said Casey shows expressions of anger, sadness, grief and surprise. She said Casey's reaction to her mother's lack of eye contact was genuine.

"There are multiple types of emotions going through her right now," Constantine said. "She is probably feeling betrayed."

"They're on opposite ends of the world or they're not in agreement with one another," Constantine said. "When people avoid someone or avoid eye contact, there's a reason. Somehow maybe the relationship is breaking apart or emotionally they're at odds."

You might wonder what our expert thought about all the tears Casey shed when shown pictures of Caylee. Constantine said it's still a mystery whether those tears stemmed from genuine concern for her daughter, or for herself. Read More

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