Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Brother 13 Premieres | Big Brother 13 Photos | Big Brother 13 Trailer | Big Brother 13Tonight!!! (UPDATED!) | Big Brother 13 Information |


The Live Feeds will go live tonight around 12am EST, as well as 'Big Brother: After Dark' on Showtime 2.

If you missed out on the live feeds 'Early Bird Special', don't fret! You can still get the Live Feeds for $15/month OR save $15 by getting the season pass for just $39.99!! Both options come with a 3 Day Free Trial!

Moving on...

In keeping with the rumors of Evel Dick/Dani, Jeff/Jordan, and Brendon/Rachel returning, it looks as if Dani will indeed be back inside the Big Brother house! What makes me say that? Well, she was missing from the last episode of 'Rumor Control' on the live feeds. Annie from BB12 filled in for her (and did a fantastic job!!):

Ragan said at the beginning of the show that Dani was "having Skype issues" and is sick with "the flu". (Mm hmm, suuuure. ;) lol)

Sidenote: If you missed the show & wanna watch it, just simply login to the live feeds and click on 'Rumor Control' and watch the June 5th episode. :)

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